Yesterday was weird

Kelly Slater has won the ASP world championships for the seventh time! It makes him the youngest and oldest winner of the ASP, doing it when he was 20, then five times inbetween, and then onces again now he is 33! Amazing!

Slater wins on points

And here he is in Florida stopping off at his mates house to show him the trophy, sums the guy up really, the best professional competition surfer on the planet but can take time out to do this –

Florida Car Park

Its been TWO WEEKS since an update! What is going on? I have been busy with the ultimate world surfing forecast website in the world! I just integrated Google Maps into the system, so you can click a location on the world map and get the surf forecast for that destination.

I also got the Global Surfari Google Desktop Notifier accepted by Google and placed on their desktop plugins page, which you can see here. They were nice enough to send me a Desktop Beta T-shirt for “free” (not free because I had to pay a stupidly high amount for postage and packaging).

Using the power of google to search for the remote (whilst wearing Google T-shirt)

So Saturday day I checked out the Lord Mayors Show, something that has been going on in City of London for some 800 years or so. I got there late so only caught the end of it and managing to get this picture of some soldiers –

Serious Business

It’s gone seriously seriously cold in London now, today it was a cool 9 degrees in the West End on Monday, I fear that winter is now here! The sun also seems to be going down at about 17h00 now, oh yes, winter has here for sure!!

On Sunday I visited a dog show at Earls Court, it was pretty cool to see all the different breeds of dogs, including some vulnerable breeds. I only had to take one allergy pill as well!! This was possibly my favourite dog after the golden retrievers –

Buddy Dog

On Monday I thought I would checkout Hayling Island as the surf was looking like this on Sunday and its only 2 hours from London –

West Beach – Hayling Island (c) Sharkbait

Except when I got up in the morning I watched the live web cam from the Hayling Island and there was truely no waves, I double checked this with the South West coast and no, no waves 🙁

No waves, it’s getting cold and its getting dark early, I still like London but I can’t WAIT to get into some warm weather and out in the sea!

Next weekend its off to see Shaolin Monks beat each other up and for us to get picked on by the stand up comedian at Jongleurs when all the ‘boys’ come down from Warwickshire!!! The good news is that I have bought a new battery for my little camera which makes the videos, so I will be back making some cool videos – hopefully some next weekend, for the time being, watch this insane video of bodyboarders riding a huge beackbreak in at place called Newport Wedge and then Christian Fletcher going out on a board!! Mental –

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