Russell Brand

Amy, Ennette, Bobby, Troy, Tom, Marcus and myself went to see Russell Brand live at the Hordern Pavillion on Wednesday night. It was a really good evening and was very funny. The tour was called “Scandalous” and was about his recent outing with the UK press over the Manuel scandal his hosting of the VMA awards and various other times of getting into trouble.

The Manuel scandal really annoyed me because the radio 2 show he used to do with Matt Morgan, Mr G and Noel Gallagher was absolutely brilliant. The funny thing is if that had happened in Australia probably nothing would have happened as you can get away with pretty much anything on the radio here (swearing is allowed all day). In fact Russell even says they run TV and Radio over here like you would a farm or boot menders (watch the video with guest appearance by the Manly Ferry).

Russell Brand @ Enmore (previous night) – (C) Tea is Lovely – reproduced with permission

It was really good to see Russell again (after passing him walking out of a shop a few months ago) and really hope he comes back to Australia soon. Luckily there’s some more comedy coming our way –

Steve Coogan Live at the Enmore

Steve’s first tour to Australia and we got the tickets! Brilliant!