Rocks, Rips, Ribs and Rumps

The surf has been up again, this time evening hitting National headlines and halting the Manly Ferry for one evening.

30 missing person rescues and some serious big wave surfing, including local boy, Marcus, aged 26, out there taking control of some 4-6ft sets (10ft on the front). I would have been out there with him if it wasn’t for the arm (honest)! He has some photos and I am sure they will be on his site shortly. Global Surfari forecast the waves at 10ft and that was about right! I have even been getting emails from some surfers saying its “more reliable than other sites” and that “the graphs are a bit off” – which is true. The wind direction is also the wrong way around.

We had Rach and Mike around last week for dinner it was good to see them and we are looking forward to going to Yamba next weekend for Easter.

Mike and Rach Enjoying Amys special veg salad
Mike, Rach, Amy and I in Manly

We headed downtown on Saturday for lunch in The Rocks and then went on a shopping spree through downtown. We then went down to China town and had a look around Paddys Markets. A lot of walking and a very tiring day!

The Rocks in Sydney Australia with the Bridge in the Background
The Bridge from The Rocks

Sunday we headed down to “Ribs and Rumps” in Manly for dinner with Nance and Marcus and their friend from Bournemouth, Tim. The food was good but filling, on the menu was 1kg steaks, which would have been filling!

Well its finally here, the final edit of a little video that has been in the editing room for quite a while. This video includes, London, Singapore and Sydney Australia all rolled into one. It is a big download so please be patient!

There it is!

amy and me over the northern beaches
Amy and Me looking down at some of the Northern Beaches Last Weekend

Next update coming soon!!!