
I am currently at the Indian Institute of Technology due to the fact we don’t have Internet Access at our office yet, we also don’t have any computers neither (this is a big problem for a software development company).

Let’s start with something cultural. This is McDonalds India style. Notice the lack of Whopper, Hamburger, Cheeseburger…

This is Pizza Hut (ummmm…I have been to Indian places as well by the way) with Ilke and her friends from the Ashram –

These are my collegues in our empty office on the 14th (actually it’s the 13th floor as the ground floor is the 1st floor according to the elevator). There are a few call centres in the building we are working in. I am desparately trying to get a photograph of one. We tried to sneak a look in, but the mean security guard wouldn’t let us in!

Travelling in a taxi at dusk, it is still about 20 degrees –

This is a view from our floor of the office (makes a change from the basement) into the East, looking out over Gurgaon. None of these buildings were here five years ago.

This is Ilke and company trying to get us an Autorickshaw to Saket for the smallest amount rupees.
This is us all in the taxi speeding down the highway to the office