It’s always better when we are together

Another excellent weekend in Sydney. It is annoying to think that these weekends are coming to an end very soon πŸ™

Thursday night I met Andrew and Nohj (John backwards) to go and see Monster Stomp at the Metro. Monster Stomp are a local Sydney band that we saw at the Elephant and Wheelbarrow when we went to see Kiko play. They completely ruled and were better than all the other bands playing. We spoke to the lead singer ‘Pete’ and he told us they are making a CD and a website, which will be available in the near future!! Rock on Monster Stomp.

Friday night we went to see Jack Johnson in Centennial Park. I had never listened to any of his stuff before going to the gig, but wow, he is amazing. His latest album is definetly worth buying, have a listen to some stuff at He is also a surfer so extra kudos for Mr Johnson!! The gig was massive, about 18,000 people, here is Jack onstage –

Afterwards we went to a warehouse party in Surry Hills where we met the Australian version of David Blaine! Doing some amazing card tricks and stealing Andrew’s mobile phone, putting it in one pocket and then taking it out of the other – I still have no idea how he did it!

Saturday night Fisel and myself headed down town to meet Mika and Vica who were leaving Australia today, but we couldn’t find them, so we just went to loads of bars downtown which were full of backpackers, it reminded me of being on an 18-30 holiday…which sucked!

Sunday morning and we have the East Sydney (a pub 5 minutes walk away) sign on our doorstep. Andy says he didn’t put it there, Chris says he didn’t put it there, I didn’t put it there. Who put it there?!?!?!?

[UPDATE 19h30] – we found out who did it, the correct authorities have been informed.

Off to the beach to shoot the curl now….