Internet Famous

Another long gap between blog entries! Well this one is a good one, Amy and I met a real internet celebrity tonight, although from the 20 minute ferry journey chat we had I’m fairly sure Natalie Tran downplays her fame.

Natalie, as I mentioned before in this post is a YouTube video blogger, her videos have been watched almost one hundred and eighteen million times to date, she is the number one most subscribed Australian and sixtenth most subscribed in the world, she can probably get through to young Australians easier than the government.

Natalie and me at Manly Wharf

I felt like a bit of a dork going over and telling Natalie I was a fan but I am very glad I did as it was good fun talking to Nat and learning a bit more about the videos and her trip to NYC. She is as funny IRL (which means “in real life” for the grown ups reading) as she is in her videos, it felt like we were getting our very own interactive community channel video!

I’ve embedded Natalie’s latest video below, but you should also checkout her back log of videos on her YouTube Community Channel.

I now have to endure Amy taking the mick out of me for my star struck behaviour for a couple of weeks no doubt!