Gino sick free since 1996
Last night Ginco and myself were having a discussion on the last time we were physically sick. I told him that I think I’ve holded out for about 14 months. Ginco blew me away with his reply of ‘I have not been sick since 1996’. However, the was to change within 24 hours. Matt called and said if we wanted to come down the coast in a twin engine Piper PA-44-180 Seminole, there’s a really good picture of the exact same plane on HERE and HERE.
We flew south to a place called Moruya, which is parallel to Canberra but on the coast so we could do some surfing while we were there. It is a five hour drive or one hour flight away from Sydney. Unfortunetly the waves were terrible so there wasn’t much surfing to be done. Here we are on final into Moruya airfield –

Ginco ate a packet of crisps on the way to the airport and was sick of them not long before this photo. I told him when he arrived he could not come to Australia and not live an extreme lifestyle with danger being a key factor.
Matt even let me fly the plane for a little bit. I did some straight and narrow flying on the way out and then brought it down to 5500 from 7000 (actually i ended up at 5400 but it was ok). Here I am at the controls of the bird passing 6700ft with vertical speed at around 6 –

After a successful landing (carried out by the real pilot not me) we took the surfboard out the back of the plane and went for a drink at ‘the high flyer’ pub around the corner. Here’s Matt taking the surfboard out of the plane –

A brilliant day out (although leg 1 of the journey was probably Ginco’s worst for 8 years)