G2007..one year on

It seems hard to believe that G2007.COM is one year old today. Started on October 05 2003 it has come a long way since then. Why even bother doing it you may ask? There are two main reasons for doing it. The first is that it allows people at home to know what I am doing and secondly, it allows me to remember all the things I have done, as well as those little details that I would probably forget along the way. It is fun because other people can see it, I would get bored writing a personal diary, this is much cooler! This is the 128th post in a year.

Some highlights of the past year include –

City of Djinns
The story of arriving in India.

What sort of dog is that?
The story of the trip to Agra and the Taj Mahal.

You’ll feel better if you lie
Some pictures around London.

Getting up too early for work.

The Last Weekend
Out with Gino and Dino in Shoreditch for my last weekend in London.

‘Some place called Woolloomooloo’
Finding a flat in Sydney and some pictures.

The long road to Canberra.

Birthday Australia Style
Celebrating 24 in Sydney

We’re happy in My Blue Heaven
The Blue Mountains weekend trip

What does G2007 mean?
G stands for my first name, Gary. 2007 is the last word on the linear notes of the album Pisces Iscariot by the worlds best band Smashing Pumpkins. Read the rest of the linear notes here.