:: drops
So the surf is not as great as it could be, we’ve been having 2ft-3ft waves that only surface about 10 metres from the beach which barrel close out in 1ft of water. So the amount of surfing going down has been low, as it is still a confidence issue taking a brand new board over the falls, especially with me on it, and after viewing Marcus’ bored snapped in half through the middle, confidence levels have taken a knocking.
Amy arrived at the airport and as I rushed through the terminal to get to her gate, I realised I was missing something. I had left the car keys and front door keys in the ignition of the car! Woops! Thankfully Matt’s dad lives very close to the airport and was kind enough to drop a spare set over!
We went out to Best Thai down in Kings Cross with Matt, Fizzer, Mike and Rach for a nice Thai based meal. We asked the waiter to take a photo, I don’t think he’d ever used a camera before as we were not all in it –

We spent a few of the days cruising the down town and Northern Sydney. Food is great here, it is cheap and really good. We had Sushi rolls for lunch one day which only cost $2 (84p) but were more than enough for a snack. We have also been going to ‘Mr Big Stuff Cafe’ in Maroubra for some amazing breakfasts. The ‘Berry Muffin’ available there is possibly the best muffin on the market ever.
I went down to the ‘bra to catch some of the bra boys in true AquaBumps style action –

:: bra bits
The next night we headed over to Manly, initially we were going for a little surf but it was pretty blown out and blue bottles were everywhere, so we decided instead to just have dinner. We went to a place called ‘Jellyfish‘ which were a bit slow on the food delivery, I had Snapper which was a bit weird in the middle, but that may have been normal?

Amy, Nancy, Marcus and Me @ Jellyfish
The next day we arrived at the beach (far later than expected) for a little surf in the rubbish waves, we met up with Fizzer, Marcus, Nancy and Simone for a small beach session –

Freshwater Beach with Marcus and Fizzer
Afterwards we met some of Amy’s friends who have a new little baby and went out with Simone and Stuart for $6 steaks in Mosman, which was nice as have not seen them for a long time.
Well more updates soon, so take it easy. New swell arriving Monday……