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I’ve been taking photo’s again! You better believe it!
I have taken two photos of a building opposite London Bridge Station which appears to cross the boundaries betweeen the 3D modelling world and the real world. When I looked at these photos from on the computer, it looked like they had been made by a computer! But I can assure you they exist in real life. The only change I have made is RGB balance and contrast/brightness.

This is looking into the corner of the building

This picture is looking straight up the side of the building into the sky.

This is the other side of the bulding, the black glass reflects the nearby building brilliantly. You can see the stair cases of the building in the glass as well.

I took this one morning on the way to work. You can see the men working on the outside of the erotic guerkin. The windows of the building infront give some idea of scale and how high the Swiss Re tower is.

One of my favourite signs in London is this F R A N C E sign on the French Railways House building off Piccadilly. It’s very 60ies I think!
That’s is for our regularly scheduled picture show!!!!