Christmas Party - 18th December
A Christmas party was organised at Rach and Mike’s house tonight. It was very cool, especially when Lyly (a suferette) dressed up as Santa!! We had to arrange secret santa and also I had to bring some vegetables (brussel spouts + carrots) – couldn’t find Brussel Spouts (you can only get them from Brussels) so Broccoli was the next best thing. The evening was going along pretty well, you know, the usual talk and ‘cheese and beetroot dip’ then all of a sudden, Lyly appeared wearing this –

A result I am sure you will agree!!! So Santa Lyly handed out all the Christmas presents, I made a video using the tool mentioned in a previous entry to include all the photographs –

Right Click Save Target As…
For dinner we had Turkey and Ham and stuffing and cranberry and everything you could ever want for a Christmas dinner. Here we all are enjoying the food immensly –

Here are all the girls together –

and here are the guys looking very cool –

Later, Mike (who runs SpoonASound) was to play at Tonic bar on Kellet Street in Kings Cross. So we all rocked up there and had a great time listening to the DJ and Mike kick out some beats. Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surfing at Bondi tomorrow, 11am!!! Bring it on yet again!!