Bhanglassi Headline The Hopetoun

2nd August was the date and the Hopetoun Hotel was the venue. Bhanglassi, the headline act, played their best set yet to a crowd of excited Hopetoun punters. The night was supported by In the After, The Ghetto Blaster and a strange guy dressed up as a civil war union officer banging on about Anna Nicole Smith.

Matt and Marcus eager to get on as civil war freak slowly kills the atmosphere

Good on the guy for giving it a go ashame it was terrible. When the Lassi finally got to the stage a robotic voice kicked off the start of the gig and went straight into some fine tunes. At the end of the gig an encore was shouted out and a whole new lassi appeared with Matt on the drums and Mike on some more drums –

Bhanglassi Remixed

Also available at the back of the Hopetoun were Lassi t-shirts selling for $20 which people who were not known to the band were buying, which is a great sign in my opinion.

Right at the very end Mike gave a shout out to the crowd and threw the microphone stand down onto the floor in true rock and roll style –

Microphone stand throw down

Brilliant gig can’t wait for the next one.