BBQ and KINGS X Bad Boys
Back in Sydney and everything is relaxing, no more hours and hours of driving!! I met Karine and Mark (friends who lived around the corner from me in London) at the airport at 5am the other day. So now there are three friends in Sydney! Brilliant, it feels like I am back at home which is nice in some ways. After doing all the scenic touristy stuff with everyone we hit the Aquarium in Sydney, it’s really good but makes you feel a bit sick as all the glass bends strangely and make you feel like you are going to fall over. Especially when you are under the tanks and there’s sharks swimming above your head. Here is Karine, Mark and myself under one of the tanks –

We had a BBQ the other night at Rach and Mike’s. Gin was really pleased with this because he still doesn’t feel like he is in Australia until an ozzie cooked the BBQ. Here is Gin with Cooyee (Andrew) the Ozzie next to the BBQ (Andy is wearing some Indian invention to keep the mozzies off him, he doesn’t normally wear a dress I don’t think) –

Here’s the posse on the balcony enjoying some pre-BBQ snacks –

It was Michelle’s birthday the day before so we organized some Fireworks over the bridge, which we could see from the balcony (not really but the timing was prefect) –

KING-X Bad Boys
Some of us headed to Kings Cross for a few drinks the other night, but we ended up not going as we seemed to have walked into a melee of drunken revellers. I made a covert video of what was going on, it makes you wonder why the police here didn’t hand-cuff the two people they were trying to get into the back of the paddy wagon, it would have been a lot easier for them –