Anhdres’ Australia

The legend that is Andres has created an almost feature length movie of his and Yami’s trip to Australia last month. The video is 12.5 minutes in total so sit back and enjoy!

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From Andres – “What to look for: translucent water, wrong side driving, wombats and wallabies and peacocks and goannas, funny wii moves, camping, sleepy faces, lots of coins, coins used in blackjack, me in diving suit, 3 laptops, sharks and turtles and fish, a thermus, a funny japanese guide in colorful shirt and glasses, incredible view of australia day from the opera house hall, thai food, crazy octopus, lifeguard championship, welcome mat, happy bodyboard, gorgeous fridge with cheddar, and many smiles.”

Looking forward to seeing you guys again somewhere in the world!