Alls well that end swell

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Marcus’ birthday at Manly Dam. Manly Dam is a exactly what its name describes although it is very difficult to find, most people who live in Manly don’t actually know it exists and those that do normally spend about 2 years looking for it. It is not very well sign posted.

Party at the Dam

It was a fun day cooking on the BBQ and cooling off in the dam. One of the presents Marcus got was an inflatable thing you sit on which I think was probably for ages 6-12 as it was impossible to stay on it for more than 2 seconds. We all gave it a good try and in the end Marcus got a black eye trying to stay on it –

Manly Dam with Inflatable Thingy

The weather was fantastic for the day we were very lucky. Recently though the weather took a turn for the worse bringing in some persistent rain and winds, however, this has its benefits as the surf reached 12 metres out at sea which meant there were some big waves around, checkout these shots of surfing at Shark Beach in the Harbour near Vaucluse (waves don’t normally break in the Harbour). I went around to the Bower one morning between the rain to see if there was anyone out, there were three people – it wasn’t actually as big as I thought it would be but big enough –

Beat the Breaker

This didn’t end as badly as you think it might –


Until next time!