A man has got to know his limitations
(Title is a quote from Magnum Force). Well, Magnus left Australia today, a final farewell to my surfing buddy (early day pictures/more recent picture) at the airport this afternoon. We went for our final surf together in very good conditions at Manly two days ago, a truely emotional experience. Who will be my day time surfing partner now?
We went out for the final gasp of Australian holiday spirit last night and it got very drunken!!

Pete, Vic, Chris, Cooee, Esther, Myself, Tagjinda, Hanna, Cecile, Mika, Magnus, ???, ??? in El Fitzroy, Woolloomooloo
Here is Magnum with the Swedish girls at an unknown location, somewhere between Woolloomooloo and Kings X –

We initially got some drinks at home and then moved on to El Fitzroy, where we bumped into Eddy who was on his 19th schooner pint. I have never met anyone who can drink so much, I don’t even think Brandom could keep up with him and that is saying something!! After this we left for Kings Cross and ended up in a very funny little cafe where cocktails appeared to be the order of the day. The bar also gave you crayons and paper to draw on so we had a very entertaining game of pictionary. We played boys against girls and I could not believe that Tagjinda managed to draw ‘dehydration’. A tough one I would have thought! As for how the night went the next picture really says it all, I have decided in a moment of intoxicated confusion to deface Dame Mary Gilmore with a crayon (I hope this is not a capital offence) –

A good last night out to see Magnus off. I hope he is enjoying the -5 degrees C in Sweden. I am looking forward to our ‘reunion surfing tour’ of the west coast of Europe a couple of years from now.
On a separate note I was a bit bored this evening and decided to recreate the original residence of our house entirely designed as South Park Characters